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Licensing Board Agenda 9/4/2012
Notice is hereby given in accordance with Chapter 39, Section 23A and 23B of the Massachusetts General Laws, that a meeting of the Salem Licensing Board will be held on Tuesday, September 4, 2012 at 2:45 p.m. in the second floor Ante Room at City Hall Annex, 93 Washington Street.


1. Application for a One Day liquor license. Applicant: Rebecca Putnam for the Bowditch Institute.

2. Application for Farmers Markey Winery License. Applicant: Lexington Consulting Group, Kipton Kumler

3. Vote for Change of 99 Restaurants, Inc., New Officers and Directors.

4. Communications:

5. Old/New Business:

6. Approval of minutes from 8/2/2012 meeting.

7. Adjournment

Melissa Pagliaro
Clerk of the Board